Monday, August 19, 2019

A Missionary Moment

Del and I had the opportunity to go with the sister missionaries this past week to give the first discussion to a man named Chad.  They had met Chad at Taco Bell, and after a small discussion with him and interest shown on his part, they set up a first discussion with him for Wednesday night.  Our ward is the biggest ward in the stake and the missionaries had already used up a lot of their miles on their car, and so needed us to drive them to Chad's house.  And it was WAY out there, like on the borderline of our ward boundaries.
It took us about 20 minutes to get there.  Can you say 'out in the way yonder'??  Dirt roads, no neighbors - very much 'Little House on the Prairie' feel to everything - cows, chickens, horses, goats, hay bales, half standing sheds and tractors - it was as close to 'Redneck' as could be, without being rude.
Chad was out on the front porch smoking a cigarette while waiting for us to arrive.  As we pulled up to the gated front, Del had to get out of the truck, open the gate, drive through, stop and close the gate and then drive up to the farm. Chad looked happy to see us.  He seemed like a nice guy - late 30's maybe to mid forties - I don't know.  It was hard to tell, as I could see that his 'outside' job of being a tree trimmer had tanned his skin and made him appear a little more 'worn' than he might actually be.  After some introductions from the sister missionaries as to who Del and I were, Chad introduced us to his family - the animals.  About 5 horses, 8-10 cows, chickens etc - mostly what we had seen driving up to the house.  When those were done, Chad took us inside.
A bachelor place - no real furniture less than 20 years old and at that, only the basics. The big tv was the newest thing in the house.  With any time or TLC, it could be made to look real nice - but after Chad explained that he and his wife are separated, his 18 year old son lives in his bedroom in the back, and his 13 year old daughter lives with her mother half the year, I understood that the TLC and any amount of attention had been put on the back burner. It was only livable.
The sister missionaries sat on the very old worn out leather love seat, while Del and I sat next to Chad on the matching worn out  leather couch.  The sister missionaries started the discussion with a word of prayer and then dove right in to the Restoration of the Gospel.  I was an observer, flashing back to my missionary days.  I even found myself saying part of the discussion in Spanish in my head.  I watched as they took turns presenting certain concepts and gospel principles.  Chad asked questions - Del helped answer a few - I even shared some thoughts and then of course, the sisters shared some of their thoughts also.
There had been a few interruptions in the discussion of thoughts Chad had about certain things in life - about HIS Bible that he had been reading - about TRUTH and how the Father testifies of truth through the spirit.  There had even been a few humorous moments as Chad would share some pretty 'redneck' comments - the sisters and I would exchange some looks of 'is this really happening' looks like it would only happen in the movies kind of look.
Sister Wendover was  explaining the First Vision, and had just started with quoting Joseph Smith's words about seeing the Father and the Son, when something pounded on the front door, and it came flying open right next to my corner of the couch.  I was startled and turned to see Ramsey enter the room - Ramsey is, of course....a goat.  Scared me nearly to death, but not nearly close enough that I didn't quickly look to the surprised sisters and we bust out laughing.  A GOAT!!!!  Chad was immediately to his feet chasing the goat from the kitchen, through the front room and eventually back out the front door; the whole time with me and the sisters suppressing giggles and outright full laughter at the thought of them writing home on P-day sharing this experience.
After another 20 minutes or so and the conclusion of the discussion and the challenge to Chad to read the beginning of the Book of Mormon and praying about it, we concluded our visit.  We went out to the front porch again, where I of course, wanted a picture of Ramsey to document the moment.  Sister Walker had the idea of a photo - op of her teaching the discussion to a 'golden' contact, Molly - the cow. 
The whole experience was one for the books.  We laughed all the way home talking about it.  I was grateful for the opportunity and the memory.  I found joy in being with the missionaries and was glad that there had been a very strong feeling of the spirit, mixed with a lot of humor and joy.

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