Wednesday, August 28, 2019

We're Doing This Again!

Twenty little ladies sitting in their box.
At least, I HOPE they're all ladies.  Sometimes, a slight mistake gets made and down the road, we end up with a rooster.
Ammon and Del went out last night and picked out the 20 girls and brought them home.  Ammon is super excited to have these chickens.  They will stay in the boxes for about 4 weeks or so, and then when Kathryn and Ammon move in here in the beginning of October, we will then move the girls over to the coop.  And hopefully, in about 6 months, we'll have some eggs!!  That's the part I love the most...the eggs.
I can't wait for all the grandkids to come over and meet the chicks.  Hopefully, we'll end up with some crazy names for each of them!

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