Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Enough Blessings For Us All

We were invited over to dinner at Jordan and Lexi's tonight to help celebrate with their family Emerson's first day of Kindergarten tomorrow.  Before dinner, we played outside and then played a few card games as Lexi was preparing the meal.  Emerson was tired from his long day and lack of sleep the previous night, so he was slightly emotional with some of the rules of the games.  He was hungry too, which made him a very 'hangry' boy, but he only shed a few tears.
Finally, he was able to get some dinner down him and he was much happier which would be really helpful in them trying to get him to bed early for an early morning tomorrow.  But Jordan had also invited us over to be a part of the event of him giving Emerson a fathers blessing for the first day of school etc.  I was very impressed that Jordan went in to change his clothes into something more appropriate than shorts and a t-shirt for the occasion, as he wanted this to be special.
Emerson hopped up into the kitchen chair that Jordan had brought into the front living room.  He sat very reverently as Jordan gave him a beautiful blessing - courage, kindness, listening, obeying, learning and being a hero for others were many of the things Jordan mentioned in the blessing.  It really was a blessing that was thoughtful and applicable especially for Emerson.  I could tell that Jordan had given it some thought more than 'just another blessing'.
As Jordan finished, Emerson hopped off the chair and gave both Del and me hugs.  No sooner had Emerson finished his rounds of hugs, that little Evie hopped up into the same chair, folder her arms, closed her eyes and said 'blessing??' Del and I looked at each other with the shocked look of amazement and wonder of this tender little act from this adorable 2 yr old desiring to be just like her older brother in wanting a blessing from her daddy too. And her face was priceless.  I couldn't have felt more touched in the moment.  So Jordan gave her a blessing too, of which she sat completely still and calm through as Jordan shared his love for her and bestowed some blessings upon her as she would be home with mommy every day. 
I felt blessed to have had this experience.  I'm glad Jordan and Lexi invited us over for this.  I'm glad Emerson is starting this next step in his life and we are able to participate in it all.  And I'm glad that I was able to hear the blessings given to both children and feel the spirit that was there.

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