Monday, August 5, 2019

Evie Comes for Tea

Last Saturday, Lexi arrived at about 9:00 with both Emerson and Evie.  Emerson went to straight to Papa and the two of them went off to do whatever they were going to do.  Evie came right into me exclaiming, 'Nana, tea party!'
She edged up to the kitchen table and began to unload all her fixins for a great tea party.  She had little plates, little cups, a tea kettle and a tray to carry all on. I got the cinnamon Chex, the blueberries and filled the tea pot with water.
The next 30 minutes was filled with nibbling, sipping and giggling with gossip at our little party.  She was adorable.  Emerson was seeing how much fun we were having and quickly dumped Papa and his mom to join in our fun party.
After 30 minutes though, Lexi was finished with her project, so Evie just very precisely, packed up her little party, and trotted off with her pink bucket of joy until another day.
I was left with a smile on my face and a wonderful memory for the day.

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