Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Old Testament and My Epic Fail


This year of 2022 has us studying the Old Testament.  I'm pretty excited about it as it covers so much of what is in the temple and the importance of knowing WHO we are and WHO'S image we are created in.  In my studies over the past few weeks, I have loved realizing the role of Jehova and others in the creation.  I have found interesting the creation of man and then understanding our role in the Father's  plan.  Our Father truly does love us - offers us all that He has, and wants only the best for us.  

On Sunday, I was teaching the Laurels the lesson about 'What is God's Plan For Me?'  I asked the girls to write the question down in a notebook that I gave each of them.  I asked them so many question of how they can learn what Heavenly Father's plan is for them and where they can learn and know the truth.  There were 10 or more girls in the class.  No answer.  I asked multiple questions to no answer from any of them.  I asked what they envisioned life to be after they passed from this life - no answer.  I mentioned that my idea of joy would be life with my husband and children and grandchildren.  That is what would bring me joy.  Here I am explaining this to girls who most have not even been on their first date yet - their main concerns in life right now are finishing their homework, trying to pass this weeks Algebra test and wondering what they're going to wear to Mormon Prom next month.  They have NOTHING of thoughts of eternity in their minds right now as they live day to day, emotion to emotion  and drama to drama.  My lesson fell on completely deaf and uninterested ears.  I was devastated.  I was teaching some real doctrinal principles to ears that were not prepared to hear the message.

It's been 15 years since I taught Seminary or teenagers in any class.  I am obviously OUT OF TOUCH with their lives right now.  So my new realization is that I have to figure out who these girls are - what they need to hear right now to survive their intense lives and not about doctrine that they cannot comprehend right now.  Step by step - baby steps.  Some of these girls will be leaving home in 1-2 years AND if anything like my own daughter, getting married in two years.  What kind of testimonies will they have then?  What will they know and understand to prepare them to enter the temple?  To be out on their own and survive the temptations of the world??  

My responsibility will be to love them, teach them to recognize and acknowledge the promptings of the spirit and to know where to search for truth.  I want to encourage DESIRE to know who their Father is - to know TRUTH - to know His plan for them individually.  That is all I can do.

So pick myself up off the floor, wipe my tears away, drop to my knees and ask for direction.  

Follow the spirit Marlys - Just follow the spirit.

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