Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Return and Report

Last year, around this same week, I was preparing to have a meeting with Dr Henao and her husband, Nacho, to review the year of 2013 and then to set goals for 2014.  I was asked to prepare some reports and to be ready to give statistics and financial details as to the standing of the company.  I had only joined the office in September, but I was still being asked to assess the whole year and to be accountable for everything since I had joined the staff.  The task was a little daunting, as I didn't have a lot of the information, having not experienced the number first hand.  I could only report on what I knew and what I had been a part of.
Last week, I received an email from Nacho asking me to prepare the same reports and statistics for THIS years meeting.  It was much easier - faster - thorough and complete.  I knew all the information because I had lived it and experienced it.  I will  be able to assess, return, report and be accountable for all info I give them.
I taught the Relief Society lesson on Sunday - it was on much the same topic.  I asked the ladies to quickly review in their minds, their past years performance in certain areas - visiting teaching, temple attendance, service, church activity, etc etc...and asked them to assess their performance as if being asked to 'return and report'.  I stressed that the main purpose of assessing and reporting would be to see where improvement would be needed in the setting of new goals for the coming year.  For some, the assessment process was difficult, as they realized areas in which they had fallen short.  For others, their assessment process was pleasant, as they could see areas in which they had made significant improvement and the changing of their hearts from previous years.
Can you imagine, in the reporting phase of our lives, giving the answer to the Lord, that the reason for our lack of service, of Visiting Teaching, of temple attendance or church activity was because 'we just didn't have enough time"?  If my answer to Dr Henao and Nacho for failed improvement in our production or success in the company was due to my ;lack of time', I would be fired.  I would be 'let go'.  I  would have to be accountable for my lack of time.
And so it is, when we are held accountable for our time here on earth.  So, how do I encourage the sisters to spend their time more wisely??  Change their hearts.
Humility - charity - unselfishness.  Taught first, by example.
It will happen with me first.  I have had some wonderful and encouraging changes over the past few years.  I am slowly, but continually, evolving into a happy and complete person.  I have been purposely working on certain areas of my life that have allowed me to help and be an influence for good, with the sisters in the ward.  And in my marriage. I have an eye more focused on the Savior - or at least, on his example.  I still falter with my pride - with my selfishness - with my heart being hard.  But I'm trying - knowing that at some point, I will need to report to the Lord, what I have done with the talents and gifts he has given me - and with the trials and challenges that have come my way.  I will have to be accountable for what I have and have not done.
When I explained and taught the sisters, the law of returning and reporting, as we learn in the temple, I bore my testimony to them of the importance of being accountable for the purpose of learning how we can do better.  It's not to tear down, but to help us build foundations for future improvement and growth.  I was thrilled that sisters understood this.  That they felt encouraged to recognize their areas of success, areas of need and then to see instilled in them, the desire to change their hearts.
The year of 2015, should be a great year for the sisters of the Aubrey Ward.  We will have a year of assessing our progress - of accountability - and of reporting to each other.
I look forward to it - both as a member of the RS presidency and personally.

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