Tuesday, January 28, 2020

'It's All Worth Turning 60'!!

My birthday was falling on a Friday.
And because I was turning 60, I thought Del would probably plan a special something for me.  But I had no idea what he actually had in mind.
The kids were all saying how busy they were going to be the actual week of my birthday, so some of them were trying to make arrangements to take me out to dinner or when we could have a family dinner.  Kylie had a wedding the week of my birthday, so she asked Del and I to double date with her and Mike on the Saturday before my birthday.
I can't go into all the details of even the next few weeks because it's just too much for me to do and I am already like three weeks behind on this blog.  Needless to say, we went to Kylie's house Saturday night where I was shockingly greeted by about 40-50 family and friends for a surprise birthday party.
I usually find out about secrets like this. Either Kylie or Kathryn will tell me, but not this time. Total and complete surprise.  Especially by some of the people who were there.  A lot of wonderful ward members, Elaine and Mark were there, and then John and Lori Wimbish and their three children were there.  They were our very first neighbors when we moved to Texas and we adored them.  John is still our eye doctor and we have such an admiration for him and his family.  And they were all there.  I was sobbing, so touched by those who had taken the time to plan, come and be with me on such a wonderful occasion.
Each of my children took a moment to express their love to me and crack a few jokes about growing up as one of my children and then Del took the floor.  He asked me to join him by his side as he expressed his love for me and shard some special thoughts and feelings.  Then, he said, 'I would like to invite you to have your birthday dinner with me in Venice.'  It didn't register at first what he was asking until everyone in the room started cheering.  I then realiized, he meant for my birthday THE VERY NEXT FRIDAY!!! We would be leaving for Italy the following Thursday and arriving in Venice ON MY BIRTHDAY.  More tears, more cheers.
The next two hours were spent gabbing with everyone there and feeling the love from all those that are so dear to me.  It truly was a wonderful night. I was so grateful to my sweet husband and great kids for the time and planning they had gone to to pull off such a great surprise.  Everyone showed such excitement for me and praised Del for being the greatest husband ever.  He really did go to such efforts all the way from Christmas, to that point in making everything such a wonderful surprise and event.  He is so kind and good to me.

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