Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Even Though....

I hate Donald Trump.  President Donald Trump.  Even though I am Republican, I did NOT vote for him, nor will I ever.  Even though he is the president, I do NOT support him.
He has already been impeached in the House.  Now it's on trial in the Senate.  This has been going on since the end of last year.
I believe he is completely immoral - a liar, - completely uneducated as to political matters and foreign policy.  I believe him to be a bully and a mean person when he is confronted with conflict and an ENTITLED billionaire who truly thinks he can do anything he wants just because of who he is and how much money he has.  I just can't stand all the bad about him.  I can't look past it for the one or two things he has done right while president.  And do I want him to win a second term??  **** no!!!!!
The saddest thing about my narrative???
Even though I feel this way about the disgusting person that he is?  He's more desirable than any Democrat out there to accomplish for our country what our country truly needs.  And since there is no-one to run against him in the Republican party, he is what we are left with as our only candidate against the Democrats.
It's almost more than I can stomach to think of him being President for another 4 years. 
Is there not a morally clean, honest and 'devoted to their country Democrat' out there???
From the list of who's running against Trump, it doesn't appear so.
So the impeachment trial goes on -

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