Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Such a Loss to So Many

This is Kobe Bryant and his daughter GiGi.
Last Sunday, after attending church together, they left in Kobe's helicopter, with 7 other people to go to a basketball game of his daughter and some other teammates and their parents.
The helicopter crashed, killing all 9 people on board.
Kobe Bryant is probably the 2nd, maybe 3rd best basketball player in the history of the NBA - behind only Michael Jordan and MAYBE Lebron James.  But they all knew each other and they all admired each other as players of the game and as fathers, husbands and good men.
Kobe retired just three years ago.  He was good.  No, he was more than good.  He was an icon.  No Lie.  It's indisputable.  He WAS, the best.
He leaves behind 3 other daughters and a wife.  The others in the crash were also family people - thy too are important people, but because of who Kobe was, most of the attention has been on his and his daughters passing.
But no matter what, it's sad. He was only 41.  Gigi was 13.  Gone way too soon.  This whole week of news has been about his passing.  The world truly is mourning.

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