Saturday, July 9, 2011

How Do You Spell That????

I hate that there are some days when the first four letter words I think of to express my emotions, feelings and life are *#!@, %#*!, %@#! and ****. And I hate, most of all, that I THINK them, but can't say them!!! Not without the consequence of others thinking poorly of or being disappointed in me, especially God. But aren't there just days when you wish you could just get out a good ole 'damn or hell' without having to look over your shoulder to see who heard your pain???
Some day's, my four letter words are hate, hurt, pain, suck, hard, ouch, song, past and then the one's I'm not allowed to express out loud...

there are the days when the four letter words that describe my life are love, diet, whoa, real, work, goal, give, free and blog. Of course, those days are good and cherished by me each passing day. I'm learning to recognize them and how to prolong them to where they are more and more a common reality in my living.

Of course, I have my days when every four letter word I know is felt, lived and expressed without my caring who is over my shoulder listening or who is watching. Whether is be my LOVE day or HATE day, my HARD day or EASY day, my HURT day or FREE day, my GIVE day or TAKE day, my SUCK day or PAST day, my DIET day or GOAL day...
...whatever day it is, or four letter word I feel or say, I hope I can do it knowing that I can use a new vocabulary, just by living another day.

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