Thursday, October 13, 2011

Angels Among Us

I needed to stay home in bed today.
I woke up miserable and in a lot of pain but when I made calls for someone to work for me, no one was off to work I went.
It's now 8:30 p.m. and yes, it was an extremely difficult day at work, to sit and work through the pain. I tried to not complain too much and to hide a lot of my discomfort, but I'm sure my co-worker, Linda, noticed I was hurting. She did carry much of the load today, for which I am very grateful but by 6:15 when we were done with our day, I was dead.
BUT... I realized on my drive home, (which btw, is the thing that hurts the most..driving), I was listening to music and it was making me happy. It was music that should have made me miserable, sad, crying and the whole past 6 month thing all over...But nope, I was enjoying the beauty of the music without the sadness of 'memories'. I was happy.
I got home...ate some left overs and then put together a plate of homemade cookies I had made last night and took them over to a friend who has been a dear angel to me over the past year. She has done so much for, chocolate, visits, ice cream, phone calls, more chocolate and more flowers...there has been bubble bath, notes, more chocolate and heartfelt cries with this dear angel and I felt it was time to start some pay - back. And I'm going to start with her. I'm going to start showing more gratitude towards those who have been so kind to me being my friend.
Family, friends, angels...they are all the same to me. And there have been many that I have just accepted their kindnesses without any effort of gratitude..and I just can't do that anymore.
So, to those many angels in my life, it's pay back time.

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