Monday, October 24, 2011

A Nice 'Payback Day'

It's always a great day when you see the results of some hard work.
And I experienced some of that in several different areas yesterday.
First of all, and not MY payback, but that of another set of parents...were the Hicken's.
Their oldest son Christain, had his missionary farewell yesterday. I've known Christain for almost 10 years...since he was 9 years old, and I have watched him grow from a young boy to a very nice and handsome young man. He will be a great missionary; believes what he is teaching, has his own testimony and enough faith to sustain him through the two years he will be away from home. I saw the joy and happiness in the faces of his family and friends and knew he would be supported with much love and encouragement from all of them. He has a strong yet sweet spirit that will reach many hearts and searching souls. I was glad to know we had been a very small part in his life, but more importantly, that he has been an important part in OUR lives as well.
Kylie came to Christains farewell also, with Preston, and this is where our next 'payback' came.
Before Kylie arrived for the meeting, Del had gone out to visit with some other friends in the hall so I was able to see and hold Preston first. I was totally enjoying loving on him when I saw Del enter the back of the chapel. I whispered into Preston's ear, 'Where's grandpa Preston?.' He glanced from person to person until his eyes caught Del's face and then he broke from ear to ear, into the biggest toothy smile you have ever seen. It was payback time. He tried to wiggle out of my arms so I would put him down so he could run to 'papa' but Del arrived by our side before Preston was put down. So Del just scooped Preston into his arms and Preston let out big giggles. It was adorable.
To top of the Sabbath Day, it was our ward Primary Sacrament Meeting Program, where we present a program that includes the messages and songs the children have learned throughout the year. I doubled up on my pain medications for the event as I'm the Primary chorister. I was anxious as to how the children would do as most kids tend to be shy and a little reserved performing in front of their parents. But the children did well...sang the songs with conviction and testimony. They were inspirational to me and I could see how they loved the songs they were singing. It was payback for the months and months of struggling to teach the gospel concepts of each song and how to feel their testimonies grow through music. I was pleased with the results, as were the other members of the Primary board. Later last night, after company had left from dinner, the Primary Presidency came over with a beautiful flower plant and thank you note for my participation in the program. I found it very sweet and kind of them to recognize my greater than all of theirs except that mine was done with broken ribs.
So??? A very fulfilling and satisfying day. I feel the Lord was was I.
I met with the Bishop after church for a short visit too. It is completed...and I am once again whole. Time to move forward with peace and calm.
My parents called me last thank me for a note I had sent them last week in the mail. Just something short to tell them how much I love them...and miss them. And I do.
I need to express that feeling and emotion a little more often to those around me.
Added to the list of 'things to work on.'

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