Friday, October 7, 2011

Then Let's Get Specific

If I'm going to focus on my passions in life....let's get specific.
And matter how shallow, how worldly, how non spiritual they are or non - eternal...I always feel like I shouldn't mention anything that's not of eternal significance in order for it to be important...but if I am to be honest, I am passionate about some important things to me that have nothing or very little to do with things of eternal nature...
I love sports. I mean...I REALLY love sports; especially BYU sports. I probably shouldn't as much as I do...but truth is, I DO!!! So, it's a passion of mine and I plan on having it be a passion for a very long time. What to do about it??? I'm going to start going to some a the stadium. So I'm going to plan ahead for next year and my goal is to go to at least 2 BYU games; one here in Texas and one in Utah. Then, I am also going to attend one PRO game...which sport, which team and it which state? To be determined in the near future. Passion!!!
I LOVE music; specifically singing. I love to listen to music, I love to sing, play the piano, dance and breathe music. Going to continue having music be the influence of my moods but being very careful to not allow the music to pull me to places I no longer need to go. I want to sing more...make the CD I've always wanted to make. Play the piano more...
Be healthy and keep my weight off. I've worked hard over the past almost a year to lose almost 40 pounds, at one time. Now, I have gained a few pounds back for only a total of 34 pounds lost...I want to stay slender...healthy...and continue to take care of my body. I want to look and feel younger than I am. Keep my hair longer than usual, stay thin, dress nice and keep make up on. I want to BE and LOOK pretty...attractive.
I'm passionate about my family...Del, Jordan, Lexi, Mike, Kylie, Preston and Kathryn. Those 7 people need to be the most important people in my life. I love them...I adore them...I am passionate about them and us as a family unit. I want us united and close; dependent on each other for everything and anything. I want us to be each others best friends and companions.
I am passionate about the small circle of family and friends that are right outside my inner circle of immediate family. I want those few people to know that I love them and will re-focus my time and efforts towards including them in some of my most passionate memories and desires in my life. They are important to me...they are WORTH my passion and I will make time for them.
Reading is a passion of mine. I started last year with reading a book a month encouraged by a friend of mine that also loves to read. Now that I started the habit, I am loving the time that I set aside from other passions to continue my love of turning the pages of a good book. I want to love every character and plot that I get my hands on plunge into new places and meet new people that I would otherwise not have the chance to meet.

So...I'm starting there....most of these are passions I have always had and always will have. But they have been dead for almost 6 months. I don't want them dead anymore. I want to FEEL them again...feel the passion I have for them again. I want them ALIVE again.
So I start

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