Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Does 'Humble Pie' Come in Chocolate???

The past three weeks have been difficult at work. 
Our office manager hired a girl for the office a few days before she left for two weeks on vacation, not telling any of us what this girl was really hired for, or what she could actually do.  We all assumed she was hired to be a tech, but during the first two weeks, the other techs were noticing that she really didn't know how to be a tech...at least, she didn't know some of the things and experienced tech would supposedly know.
The two weeks were tension filled...between the techs, the doctors and the whole office was frustrated.  I was hearing a lot from the girls, but not seeing or knowing anything firsthand, I listened a lot but said very little.
When our office manager returned, she got an earful; from the techs, to the doctors and even from the girl herself, who felt she really wasn't being treated nicely or fairly.  Well, she wasn't, but it appeared she had oversold herself a little.  So, the change was decided to train her to be a 2nd receptionist.  I wasn't thrilled.  The main problem we were all having with the new girl was that she was a 'know it all', making it very difficult to try and tech her anything new, as she already claimed to know how to do most everything.  I was frustrated that she wasn't listening to instructions and wasn't very teachable.  I did call her to task a few times when I asked her to do something she already claimed to know and did it wrong.  I said some fairly harsh words and told her she really needed to admit that she didn't know near what she thought she did and needed to remain silent and learn.
Yesterday was the peak of my anxiety...I let her have it a few times and had to remove myself once or twice from the scene to blow off some steam.  At the end of the night, when it was time to close out and balance out the day, I was so determined to make her realize she wasn't as 'able' as she thought she was, but after being there a half hour past closing, I just walked her through it quickly so I could just go home.
Today, I had decided to be nicer...more patient and bite my tongue, even if doing so would draw blood.
The day went better...she did better...and I was more patient.  Around 3:00 or so, I mentioned something about being tired.  She agreed and mentioned something about having her coffee to keep her awake.  I responded with..'that's good for you, but we need to come up with something for the Mormon'.  She looked at me in shock and said, 'are you Mormon?'  I said 'yes' and her immediate response was 'I am too'.
Of course you are!!!!
Obviously inactive...but her story came pouring out...she, a sister and her mother had gone inactive, but her father and a brother were 'very strong' Mormons.  She had been married, but divorced for 5 years...and then she started with the questions.  I was stunned...almost felt...um, I don't know...just ..
really?  You're Mormon??'  Glad I hadn't sworn the few times I wanted to...even gladder that I hadn't shamed myself as badly as I could have, but still humbled at the ANY amount of unkind I had been to her.  I felt like I had been 'kicked in the butt' and the word 'KARMA" kept flashing like a neon sign across my face!!!!
I should have know better...but I do now.
I have to speak in church on Sunday...on the topic of HOPE.

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