Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's Meant to Be

I'm in the Primary again.
Was there any question that I would'nt be???
No, not in my mind.  I thinks that's where I will almost always be.
But not in the music this time.  This time, I have been called to be a teacher of the 9 and 10 year olds, and I am thrilled.  I met the kids last Sunday, introduced myself and sat with them during Sharing time.  A substitute had already been found for lesson time, so I joined them for only the second half of Primary.
I am excited.  The kids will be a new challenge and opportunity for me to grow in the Primary.
This will be good - this will be GREAT!!!
Back in the Primary.  New kids to love...new memories to make.
Familiar territory...safe.

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