Tuesday, February 12, 2013

'And Back on the Farm....'

So while I am here in Utah with my mom and my daddy, I still have half of my thoughts back in Texas with my family; specifically Kylie.  Today, she had surgery; a D&C to clean out some masses of placenta that have been causing her to hemorrhage 

It has been difficult for her to leave her children with people and try to make arrangements for everyone to get taken care of, including herself.  If I were there, it would have all been resolved.  I would have taken care of everything.  But I'm not there, I'm here, thus leaving everyone and everything in a state of confusion and anxiety. 
Del sent me a text asking how things were going...I explained I was experiencing a little anxiety with everything on my plate, only to have him respond that he was getting slammed at work, with church issues, family issues and he misses me.  I quit complaining.
I guess it's times like this that you hope everyone back home can step up to help and be where they are needed to help make things go more smoothly.  Kathryn was a huge help in taking Kylie to the hospital and staying there while she had her surgery...then taking her home.  Lexi stayed with Preston and Madison while Kylie was gone and until Mike could get home from school.  Then Mike just had to take off work to help with everything after that.  I guess everyone is doing their part.  Kylie will have a difficult night though, especially if Madison is true to form and doesn't go to sleep easily.

My daddy had a fairly good day today.  He did a lot of walking this morning with me walking in front of him and Elaine following behind with his wheelchair.  He did NOT want to walk again...he was tired.  But we told him he had to if he was ever going to get strong enough to go home.  I would try to make him laugh by smiling at him and saying encouraging things.  Once, when he asked how much further he had to go, I told him 'We have to go as far as Orem, and then we can turn around and come back'.  He laughed, hard.  When he reached the therapy room, they had him work on getting in and out of bed on his own and he did fairly well.  We think he was just glad to lie down on the bed.  He did his leg exercises in his sleep, I'm sure.  And then we walked him back to his room with more humorous encouragement and distractions.  He had a small nap after that, then wanted to play games and socialize with all the visitors that had come.  I left after he had a huge lunch, including tangerines Becca brought and some coconut bread Theresa had brought.  He also loved the fresh apple and orange slices brought and I'm thinking the texture and taste of the 'real food' was a huge highlight for him.
When I went back at 6:30 to pick up mom and Elaine, there were two of daddy's missionaries visiting from out of town.  They were sharing memories and stories with daddy of some of their time in Chile and daddy was really enjoying remembering.  He even made several comments and responded to most of their questions and comments.  His words were clear and fairly easy to understand, but we did notice that he tried to tell one experience over three times.  And in game playing today, he did have one MAJOR no no...When he took the bid, he did discard the Bear in the widow, which was not discovered until the last play of the game.  He coyly asked what was wrong with that??  Really daddy?  Nice try.  We reminded him it was against the rules...he asked to see the paper of the rules.  Mom told him we didn't have it.  He felt vindicated???  I think not. Yesterday when we played cards, he asked at the end of the hand if he had won?  We told him no, but that he had lost.  He replied with 'PIGS EAR.'  I gave him 'the eye'.

I'm thinking I may go home the beginning of next week if I don't go home Friday.  My brothers Mark and Phil will be coming this week, along with Paul's wife Sherrie and their son Adam.  That will mean all 12 of his children will have finally seen daddy.  That will be good.

I received an email this afternoon from the last job I interviewed for.  I did not get the job.  I don't know if I'm even disappointed anymore.  I guess I am...but the Lord must think I am to have that first job I interviewed for at the doctors office.  At least, that's what I HOPE He wants for me.  It's just 10 weeks away.  I will have to continue my patience.  Not my favorite thing to do. I love answers to problems...not more problems.

Elaine goes home tomorrow.  She has been invaluable for the two weeks she has been here...a rock for mother and another tender loving nurse for daddy.  She has been thorough and deliberate in her questions and care for daddy.  There is no possible way I can do the same, nor do I want to.  But I will try to be the smile he needs, and help mom in all areas that she needs so she can focus her time on daddy. 
So, until tomorrow.

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