Monday, February 18, 2013

I'm My Mother

And after having just spent a week with her, I can see it even more clearly than ever before.  I am my mother.
My hands have started to look like hers.  My face/body look like hers.  I speak like her and act like her.  I noticed this past week some idiosyncrasies that are just like hers.  I am very much becoming like her.
But, I guess there are worse things.  Not many, but a few.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

That's funny because I am SO much like my dad. My hands (ugly thick skin), my crooked smile (I'm okay with that one), his idiosyncrasies too. I noticed it way back in '94 when I went back to D.C. after dad had his bypass surgery. Mom and I would be driving around in the car and I'd say something and think, "That just sounded like dad!" Pretty creepy...