Thursday, October 23, 2014

This Was a First - Jalepenos

Our one lone jalapeno plant produced an outrageous amount of very hot jalapenos.  To the point, that we couldn't give them away anymore, so we decided to pickle them - We had never done them before, but thought to ourselves..'they have them in the stores in bottles' did it.
It was a lot more involved than we thought it would be and we learned a few lessons on the way -
1-always wear gloves.
2-even when the gloves come off, don't touch your face or eyes.
3-step away every ten minutes - breathing the fumes from the peppers in harsh on your breathing.
4-canning them does NOT lessen the potency of the pepper - they're still very hot!!
5-jalapenos should not be consumed more than once a week - at the most.

A new experience - a new challenge.

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