Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Change of Command


I couldn't stand Trump.  He literally made my blood boil and the hair on the back of my neck crawl.  What a terrible man.  But he WAS Republican and did shake things up in Washington.  But the little good he did while in office was SO negated by the evil things he did in his personal life.  Yuck!

So in November, when it was time for the Presidential elections, I was bracing myself for another 4 years of Donald Trump and a very nasty taste in my mouth.  But, the unthinkable happened and Joe Biden won the election.  And in truth, that is going to be even worse than Trump being in the office for another 4 years.  

I have to resign myself to the fact that I cannot be politically emotional for the next little while because I just can't change anything about the results.  I will have to live through them just like everyone else for the next 4 years.

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