Thursday, March 25, 2010

But I Thought it was Only Men

Well, I thought it was MOSTLY men. But today, it my channel surfing, I stopped on the Oprah Show and realized that the topic was about Pornography and Erotica. I figured the basic jest of the conversation was going to be about the 'evils' of the addiction, but was surprisingly and disgustingly alarmed to find out that it was going to be about the 'pleasures women find in pornography and erotic lifestyles'.
Before turning the channel, a statistic was thrown out that made me stop in my tracks....One out of every three women in the world are SECRETLY involved in OR participating in some type of pornography or erotic behavior for the purpose of being able to satisfy their sexual partner, whether that be husband or partner.
Considering I'M NOT the one, it made me think of my neighbor on each side of me and wonder which one it was......not really, but ONE OUT OF EVERY THREE ?? WOMEN??
Has there been a General Priesthood meeting go by in over the past ten years where the evils of this terrible sin have not been discussed??? Who has been the main target of this attack on pornography in the church??? And to whom has the world focused on enticing to visit and participate in this addiction of pornography?? MEN - it's always been to the men. And now, it's being suggested that women have this same pornographic desires that have only been kept secret and hidden but now they finally feel can come out in the open!!!
Oh, heaven help us all. As if it hasn't been enough that Satan has made this temptation so alluring and fulfilling to the destruction of the men, but now to have found a way to have the 'heart of the home' also desire this evil will truly be the destruction of us all - destruction of our fathers, our mothers, our sons, our daughters, our homes and families and ultimately our eternal salvation.
Prophecy being fulfilled.


Vicki said...

Pretty scary stuff!

Debbie said...

That really is sad. Especially to have it put on a show as big as Oprah which of course largely caters to a female audience. I'm sure a lot of women who never even had the thought are now thinking about it. So so sad. I've stopped watching Oprah because of things just like this. There are some really subtle, but evil concepts she puts out there occasionally. A real shame considering all the good she can do (and still does do as well). But it's not worth it for the smut that gets mixed in. Oh well.