Monday, March 8, 2010

Unplanned Parenthood

Kathryn has become a mother for the next three days. It's part of her 'Prep for Parenting' class at school. This baby cries, eats, needs a diaper change, has to be burped and needs to be rocked to sleep. And he's all Kathryn's for the next three nights. She made the comment that this wasn't a very good time for this as she hasn't been feeling well and has a bad cough. I laughed and reminded her that I had been a mother 4 times and seldom was there a moment of convenience in the whole process. She's pretty sure she'll be exhausted at the end of the three nights and need the weekend to catch up on sleep.
I had to laugh...I'm STILL trying to catch up on sleep.
Should I tell her???

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Go ahead and let her have it! This may be the cheapest and most effective form of birth control that we have found yet...I say, whatever works!