Monday, March 26, 2012

Brain Fart

Last Saturday afternoon, I had a severe headache. I mean, like the kind that are so debilitating that I'm left pretty clueless for a couple of hours afterwards. And it hurt.
When I was finally able to function, Del and I did a little research on the internet and found what we felt was the correct diagnosis for what had happened...a combination of stress, hormones, and physical pain. And the result was actually the bursting of some brain cells..a mini aneurysm...and the brain cells dying. Painful.
Today, I proved our diagnosis correct.
Kathryn has totalled out two of our cars. She is currently driving our loser cruiser mini van as she has to go to and from work every day and has no transportation.
Today, I co-signed on a loan for a new (used) car...for Kathryn.
Diagnosis confirmed.
But I signed...on the dotted line.
I'm now left wondering....
?How many brain cells died Saturday and how many live one's do I have left???

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