Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Results Are In

On my lip, there are cancer cells that they will remove with surgery. They think there will be a scar and asked if I wanted to consult with a plastic surgeon. I figured I would look fine at 50 with a hair lip, so declined the consult .
On my forehead, there is a tumor with cancer cells. How big, they won't know until they get in there and remove it all. Malignant or melanoma? They won't know either until they get in there, see how big it is, remove it and biopsy again. It will be surgery also - in fact, they will do it first, suture, then 6 days later, remove the sutures and do the lip, suture and 6 days later, know the biopsy results and remove the lip sutures. The scar will be bigger on my forehead and will be right by my hairline, but it is pretty well hidden by my bangs. I didn't even consider the plastic surgeon for that area.
I feel fairly confident that all results will be fine and so I have scheduled the surgeries for the week after I get back from Utah. It will be nice to have a conclusion to this little bump in life. Thank heavens I have never really been one to overly concern myself with the whole 'make-up glamour look' thing. Having always been a plain Jane will have it's benefits in that one or two more scars won't bring any added attention to this already 49 year old face.

1 comment:

AnnCP said...

See the plastic surgeon....