Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So Many Questions: What are the Answers?

From Del:
How much did it cost?
Will you marry me?
Did you pick up the dry cleaning?
Did you pay our tithing?
Do we have anything Friday night?
Can you see the Big Dipper?
Can we afford that?
Did you feed Lacey the leftovers?
What do you want for Christmas?
What's for dinner?
Do I have to go?
Did you get your haircut?
Is that new?
What did your mother say? (to the kids)
Where is my...?

From Jordan:
Did Adam have a belly button?
Can I go to the dirt trails?
Do I have to get a shot?
Can I take the car?
Can I hang with Mark?
Do you want to go riding with me? (to Del) on the horse
Can we make cookies?
Do I have to?
Can I ride with Josh?
What's for dinner?
Can I get a horse?
Did you take my boots?
Did you wash my hat mom?
Where is my....?

From Kylie:
Do these shoes match my dress?
Does my hair look good this way?
When are we going to get there?
What's for dinner?
Did Chris call?
Can I take the car?
Have I had that before? about dinner ..Yes, and you liked it.
Can I get a dog?
Dad, will you tuck me in?
Mom, will you teach me how to play the piano?
Did Chris call? (or the current boyfriend)
Can we go to grandpa's house?
Is dad at a meeting?
Can I go with Lauren....?
What's in Texas?
Is he looking at me?
Can we go over to Hicken's?
Where is my ......?

From Kathryn:
What's for dinner?
Where's Kylie?
Dad, can you tell me another story?
Can we have potatoes for dinner?
Can I play with...?
Can I get a cell phone?
Mom, will you teach me how to play the piano?
Does my throat look sore to you?
Where did dad go?
Who are those for?
Can I make something? Cookies?
Do I have to go?
Can you tuck me in dad?
When can I go?
Can I move back to Utah?
Can I live with the Hicken's?
Where is my.....?

And from Me:
What's for dinner?
Can I have an epidural yet???
Did you do your homework?
Do you love me?
Have you cleaned your room?
What time is the game?
Did he kiss you?
Did you tell Kylie she could go to....?
What will happen if I double my Prozac??
Have you walked Lacey yet?
Did you take your medicine?
Why doesn't he get it??
Did you practice the piano?
What time do you need to be there?
You have got to be kidding me?
Where are my keys?
Who's on the phone?

There have been so many more questions than I can even remember....and so many more that will happen over the years.
Will I ever have the answers to them all???


Dana said...

The Hicken's home is really not that great but we always love house guests!

Dani said...

Marlys!!! I found your famous blog!!
How are you? I love all the questions. Especially the Prozac one. You always make me laugh. :) And who doesn't want to live with the Hickens?