Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scarred, But No Longer Broken

It's been a year today.
There was a time I didn't think I would live through this past year.
But not only have I lived through it, but I am stronger.
Scarred??? Of course.
But no longer broken. I'm whole.
I'm laughing again....smiling...not crying anymore...enjoying being alive and strong; not hurting anymore.
A little pensive at times and a little tender from the healing scars; an occasional song stops me in my tracks, or stills my heart for a slight moment.
But I don't cry anymore. At peace.
I take a deep breath, clear my mind and heart, refocus and move forward.
I have made it through probably one of the hardest phases of my life.
Not unscathed...and the scars will be permanent....but a reminder of a past that should have stayed in the past...and a future that has unfolded full of joy and hope.
I made it through; helped by those who REALLY love me...sustained by a loving and forgiving husband, and a God who loves me unconditionally.
Scarred, but no longer broken.
I am whole....and happy.

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